Putting a smile on residents’ faces with the resident-run magazine from De Regenboog

A monthly magazine for every resident


Each month, residents at nursing home De Regenboog look forward to their monthly resident-run magazine with news from the nursing home.

This has become a staple pastime for residents of the retirement home and keeps them up to date with the goings-on at De Regenboog and the wider community.

Nursing home De Regenboog surprises residents with a monthly newsletter - Genscom



“We strive to be an open house. That’s why our resident-run newspaper is intended for both the residents of our nursing home and assisted-living facilities and the wider community.”


Get started with a nursing home newsletter?

An editing team made up of volunteers


Volunteers from De Regenboog get together each month to discuss the contents of the magazine and ensure quality content. An appointed volunteer pours the contents into a professional design using the simple online editor before sending it through for print.

The newspapers are then handed out within the retirement home, distributed to the local library and other partners or home-delivered to local residents in the community.

Volunteers at De Regenboog ensure the monthly content of the newsletter - Genscom

An all-in-one communication platform 


De Regenboog is part of the larger care group ZorgSaam – both of which can boast a venturesome spirit. And the resident-run newspaper is far from their only initiative.

Thanks to a personalized platform from Genscom they’re able to create fun extras for their internal communication, including business cards and greeting cards for staff members, placemats for local food fests, flyers and brochures for organized activities, personalized calendars for residents and staff, and more!

Besides bringing a smile to residents’ faces, these initiatives serve as a small token of appreciation for the efforts and commitments of the staff and volunteers.

De Regenboog manages all internal communication from a single platform - Genscom




“We always look forward to the monthly newspaper. There’s a lot of information about the nursing home and its residents. We even spotted ourselves in the newspaper just the other day. That was a lot of fun!”


Questions? Our team is eager to help!

Toon and Greta talk about the importance of the nursing home newspaper - Genscom